
Friday, January 17, 2014

Five Tech Things on a Friday v.9

I can't believe we are halfway through January and I'm just getting to my first Five Tech Things post of 2014.  It has been a busy but energizing start to the year.  I am loving all of the opportunities I've had to connect with teachers and share my passion for integrating technology.  I am so excited to see what this year will bring for the teachers in my schools!

Without further ado, here are my Five Tech Things on a Friday...

  • Since it is a new year, I've been thinking about my technology goals for 2014.  I'd really like to host a google hangout this year.  It's also a goal of mine to hold as many paperless meetings as possible.  What are your tech goals for 2014?  Here are some ideas to get you started!
  • In this day and age, we are constantly hearing about companies using our data for a variety of reasons. I thought this article about Facebook tracking urban migration trends was fascinating!  The data we put out there can really teach us a lot about our world.
  • As we learn to use social media as professionals, and as we teach our students about digital citizenship, I think one of the most important things to keep in mind is just how quickly a post can spread across the globe.  This is the story of how one woman's tweet cost her her job.  She thought she was being funny.  She wasn't.  
  • I am a self-proclaimed app-aholic.  I love to download apps and try them out.  Sometimes I find something fantastic, and other times not so much.  It's hard to wade through the sea of apps available while also keeping in mind that it's not about the technology, it's about what you want students to do with it.  The Analog Teacher's Guide to Bloom's Digital Taxonomy shares two websites that sort apps into skill categories.  This guide also shares a fantastic resource on research in the digital age.
  • I love seeing how far technology has come in my lifetime.  Our world has completely changed over the past few decades, and it seems to be changing more rapidly by the minute.  Check out this news report from 1981 on downloading a newspaper to your computer.
That's all the tech things for this week.  Have a wonderful weekend!

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